Editorial Team

Dr. Afeez Adesina Adedayowebsite1

WAG 213, Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL. 61455-4454, USA

Research Interests: Agronomy, Genomics; Microbiology, Metabolomics, Microbial sequestration, Plant-insect interaction, Plant herbivory, Plant-soil microbial interaction, Sanger sequencing, Shotgun metagenomic sequencing, Sustainable agriculture

Section: Soil Science

Contact Number: +1(847)489-3557

Email: aa-adedayo@wiu.edu; donshynnah@gmail.com

Deputy Editors-in-Chief
Prof. Dr. Alireza Heidariwebsite1 website2

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Distinguished Professor and Academic Tenure of Chemistry & Enrico Fermi Distinguished Chair in Molecular Spectroscopy & Head of Cancer Research Institute (CRI) & Director of the BioSpectroscopy Core Research Laboratory (BCRL) at Faculty of Chemistry, California South University (CSU), Irvine, California, USA

Research Interests: Biomolecular Spectroscopy, Biomedical Spectroscopy, Molecular Modelling, Intelligent Molecules, Biomarkers, Nucleic Acids, DNA/RNA Monitoring, DNA/RNA Hypermethylation & Hypomethylation, Human Cancer Tissues, Human Cancer Cells, Tumors, Biochemistry, Molecular Structure, Molecular Simulation, Oncology, Anti–Cancer Nano Drugs, Nano Drugs Delivery

Section: Oncology and Cancer Research

Contact Number: +880-1727182615

Email: Alireza.Heidari@calsu.us; Central@aisi-usa.org; Scholar.Researcher.Scientist@gmail.com

Dr. Parisa Lotfiwebsite1 website2

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Department of Biological Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska, USA

Research Interests: Genetics, molecular biology, neurology, clinical medicine

Section: Molecular Biology

Contact Number: (682)-227-7147

Email: plotfi@alaska.edu

Dr. Chosen Ekene Obihwebsite1 website2

Deputy Editor-in-Chief

School of Plant Sciences, University of Arizona Tucson Arizona, USA

Research Interests: Developing and applying computational tools to unravel the genetic mechanisms underlying plant responses to environmental stressors like drought and heat

Section: Bioinformatics

Contact Number: +1-5202460548

Email: chosenobih@arizona.edu

Associate Editors
Dr. Fabio Ferreira Perazzowebsite1 website2

Associate Editor

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil

Research Interests: Natural products development, Natural products chemistry and pharmacology, Medicinal plants

Section: Food Safety, Food Science and Technology, Ecology and Environment, Post-harvest Biology and Technology, Botany, Biodiversity and Evolution, Oncology and Cancer Research, Plant Biology

Contact Number: +55 11 3385 4137; +55 11 996057784

Email: ffperazzo@unifesp.br; ffperazzo@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Manal Mohamed Adelwebsite1 website2

Associate Editor

Pests and Plant Protection Department, Agricultural Division, National Research Center (NRC), Cairo, Egypt

Research Interests: The future of pest management, Nanotechnology, Plant protection, Biological control

Section: Agricultural Entomology

Contact Number: +20-1224214021

Email: mm.adel@nrc.sci.eg; mhassanein11@hotmail.com

Dr. Mecha Peterwebsite1

Associate Editor

Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Egerton University, Kenya

Research Interests: Artificial intelligence and application of internet of things in agriculture, Agricultural mechanization engineering, Agricultural processing engineering, Renewable energy and agricultural waste management technology

Section: Agricultural Engineering

Contact Number: +254712431586

Email: mecha.peter@egerton.ac.ke; mechapeter24@gmail.com

Prof. Dr. Emine CIKMANwebsite1 website2

Associate Editor

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Harran University, Turkey

Research Interests: Entomology, Acarology, Biological control

Section: Agricultural Entomology

Contact Number: +90-4143183742


Dr. Swastiko Priyambodowebsite1 website2

Associate Editor

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University, Jl. Kamper, Campus IPB Darmaga, Bogor 16680, Indonesia

Research Interests: Plant pest management (vertebrate pest) particularly in food crop, horticulture, estate crop, and urban habitat

Section: Plant Protection

Contact Number: -


Prof. Dr. Tamer Ibrahim Abdel-Wahabwebsite1

Associate Editor

Crop Intensification Research Department, Field Crops Research Institute (FCRI), Agricultural Research Center (ARC), 9 Gamha Cairo University Street, Giza, Egypt

Research Interests: Cropping systems, Intercropping, Crop rotation, Crop sequence, Allelopathy, Crop physiology, Field Crops, Agronomy

Section: Agronomy

Contact Number: +20-1006499961

Email: tamer.abdel-wahab@arc.sci.eg

Dr. Abraham Mulu Oljirawebsite

Associate Editor

Department of Plant Science, Werabe University Ethiopia

Research Interests: Plant biotechnology, Biometry, Molecular microbial ecology, Bioinformatics, Complete genome analysis, Biofertilizer design

Section: Plant Biotechnology

Contact Number: +251-910285368

Email: abraham@wru.edu.et

Dr. Hussein Ali Salim website1 website2

Associate Editor

Directorate of Diyala Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, Iraq

Research Interests: Plant Pathology, Microbiology, Entomology, Nematology, Mycology, Bacteriology, Virology, Plant Extracts

Section: Plant Pathology

Contact Number: +964-7707532321

Email: aisalimahmed@gmail.com; h_salim11111@yahoo.com

Dr. Gabriela Medina-Pérezwebsite1 website2

Associate Editor

Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Tulancingo Hidalgo 43600, Mexico

Research Interests: Antioxidant activity, Bioactive compounds, DPPH, Flavonoids, Greenhouse effect, Microbial nanobiotechnology, Nanobioethics, Nano-biotechnology, Phytochemicals

Section: Plant Biotechnology

Contact Number: +52-7717172000

Email: gabriela_medina@uaeh.edu.mx

Dr. Al-kazafy Hassan Sabrywebsite1 website2

Associate Editor

Pests and Plant Protection Department, National Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt

Research Interests: Plant and soil sciences, Plant protection, Biological control, Integrated pest management, Medicinal plant

Section: Agricultural Entomology

Contact Number: +20-1002954891

Email: kazafysabry@yahoo.com; alkazafyhassan@yahoo.com

Prof. Dr. Dionesio M. Baňocwebsite1

Associate Editor

Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture and Food Science, Visayas State University, Visca, Baybay City, Leyte 6521, Philippines

Research Interests: Farming system, Cropping system, Sustainable agriculture, Organic agriculture, Root morphology/physiology, Rice ratooning, Transect survey undertaking

Section: Agronomy

Contact Number: 09069797249; 053-565-0600

Email: dionesio.banoc@vsu.edu.ph

Assistant Editors
Dr. Alfredo Madariaga-Navarretewebsite1

Assistant Editor

Área Académica de Ciencias Agrícolas y Forestales, Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo, Tulancingo CP 42000, Mexico

Research Interests: Generation of biofungicides

Section: Biological Control

Contact Number: +52-771 2030853; +52-771 7172000 ext. 20000

Email: alfredo_madariaga@uaeh.edu.mx; alfredomadariaga60@gmail.com

Dr. Hyat Mahmudwebsite1 website2

Assistant Editor

Agriculture Training Institute. Department of Agricultural Extension, Jhenaidah, Bangladesh

Research Interests: Plant pathology, Molecular plant pathology, Seed pathology, Crop protection, Bio-control

Section: Plant Pathology

Contact Number: +880-1727182615

Email: mhyat81@gmail.com; hyatmahmud2546@yahoo.com.hk

Dr. Hasan ERwebsite1

Assistant Editor

Department of Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Bingöl University, Turkey

Research Interests: Water resources, Waste water, Irrigation water quality

Section: Water Conservation

Contact Number: +90-24262165179

Email: hasaner@bingol.edu.tr

Dr. Abd El-Aleem Saad Soliman Desokywebsite1

Assistant Editor

Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, Sohag University, Sohag, Egypt

Research Interests: Economic entomology, Pests control, Insect ecology, Insect transmission of plant diseases, Medical and veterinary pests

Section: Entomology

Contact Number: +20-932287558; +20-12206108178

Email: abdelalem2011@agr.sohag.edu.eg; abdelalem2011@gmail.com

Dr. Jamilahwebsite1 website2

Assistant Editor

Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tamansiswa University, JL Tamansiswa No. 9 Padang West Sumatera, Indonesia

Research Interests: Agrotechnology, Soil fertility, Agronomy

Section: Soil Science

Contact Number: +62-81261643135

Email: jamilah@unitas-pdg.ac.id; mil_munir@yahoo.com

Dr. Mehdi Rahimiwebsite1 website2

Assistant Editor

Department of Biotechnology, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced Technology Kerman, Iran

Research Interests: Improvement of Crops and horticulture plants through classical and molecular genetic methods; Molecular markers, Genetic diversity and Gene expression; Identify quantitative traits loci by QTL mapping and association mapping and genetic maps; Biometry - Genetic analysis of traits using biometric methods - Statistical analyzes in agricultural research; Quantitative genetic and population genetics; Resistance of plants to abiotic and biotic stresses

Section: Plant Biotechnology

Contact Number: +98-9173079874

Email: me.rahimi@kgut.ac.ir; mehdi83ra@yahoo.com; mehdi83ra@gmail.com

Dr. Nguyen Minh Chonwebsite1 website2

Assistant Editor

Biochemistry & Applied Biological Sciences, Head of Applied Biochemistry Laboratory, Can Tho University, campus II, 3/2 Street, Ninh Kieu County, Cantho City, Vietnam

Research Interests: Crop production, Precision agriculture, Plant biotechnology

Section: Plant Biotechnology

Contact Number: +84-(0)918237630

Email: nmchon@ctu.edu.vn

Dr. Christian Weberwebsite1

Assistant Editor

Scientific Research Commission of the Buenos Aires Province - Faculty of Agricultural and Forestry Science, La Plata University, Argentina

Research Interests: Precision agriculture, Remote sensing

Section: Precision Agriculture

Contact Number: +54-221-4236758; +54-221-4773501

Email: cweber@ciop.unlp.edu.ar; cweber@agro.unlp.edu.ar

Prof. Dr. Jayath Kirthisinghewebsite1

Assistant Editor

Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Aquinas College of Higher Studies, COLOMBO 8, Sri Lanka

Research Interests: Agronomy, Horticulture, Breeding, Biotechnology

Section: Plant Biotechnology

Contact Number: 0094-716662173; 0094-741262633

Email: dean.bscagri@aquinas.lk; jpkrmk@gmail.com