Physiochemical characteristics, nutritional properties and health benefits of palm oil: A review


  • Muhammad Tariq Khan, Abid Hussain, Ghazanfar Ullah, Abdul Latif, Adnan Noor Shah and Khushnood Ur Rehman


Cardiovascular diseases, Fatty acid profile, Nutrition, Palmitic acid, Palm oil


Since some decades palm oil obtained from tropical plant, Elaeis guineneensis has become major concern due to its high yielding characters. It can solve many health-related issues of humans and also used as economic development tool by many countries. It is basically lipid, which is extracted from mesocrap, a flashy part of palm oil tree. This oil is higher in oleic acid and lower in palmatic acid, so it is easy to process into vegetable oil. In crude palm oil, there are approximately 11 distinct carotenoids. Amongst these, Alfa and beta carotenes are the two most important carotenoids in palm oil. Palm oil, as an antioxidant, is frequently used to treat cancer in addition to being a nutrient-rich source of food, making it very significant for human health. Palm oil's fatty saturated acid to unsaturated acid ratio is very near to one. There is discussion about its effects on the environment as well as human health, so we decided to review all the articles related physiochemical characteristics, nutritional properties and health benefits of palm oil. In conclusion, palm oil emerges as a versatile commodity with significant economic and nutritional value, highlighted by its high productivity and diverse applications. However, the balance between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in palm oil necessitates careful consideration due to its implications for cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health. As research continues to unveil both benefits and concerns associated with palm oil consumption, further exploration and nuanced understanding are crucial for informed decision-making and sustainable utilization in various sectors. © 2020 The Author(s)




How to Cite

Muhammad Tariq Khan, Abid Hussain, Ghazanfar Ullah, Abdul Latif, Adnan Noor Shah and Khushnood Ur Rehman. (2020). Physiochemical characteristics, nutritional properties and health benefits of palm oil: A review. Advances in Agriculture and Biology, 3(1). Retrieved from