Potential and constraints of growing sunflower crop in Pakistan: An updated review


  • Imtiaz Ahmad Mumtaz


Adulterated seed, Constraints, Market problems, Sunflower, Water deficiency


Sunflower scientifically known as Helianthus annuus belongs to family Asteraceae. First time in Pakistan, sunflower was cultivated in 1960’s. Crop of sunflower is known as having great abilities and it can positively meet upcoming edible oil requirements of Pakistan. In Punjab, it was reported that during 2018-2019 areas under sunflower cultivation was 29919 hectares with production of 56777 tones. Sunflower has the capacity to fulfill the future oil requirements of Pakistan because it has high necessary oil ingredients. There are two kinds of sunflower oil; one is with high oleic and second with linoleic contents. By weight the seed of sunflower has 47% fats, and the quantity of protein is about 20-30%. In one tablespoon of seed, the amount of energy is above 48 %. Farmers are facing constraints while growing the sunflower crop in the country. These constraints are locust attack, non-availability of sufficient water, lack of technical knowledge of farmers, more nutrient requirements, less production, loss by different living organisms, non-availability of pure seed, attack by insect pests and different diseases and other competent crops. Some other problems are market related problems as there are no proper markets in the region which adversely affects the cultivation of sunflower. © 2020 The Author(s)




How to Cite

Imtiaz Ahmad Mumtaz. (2020). Potential and constraints of growing sunflower crop in Pakistan: An updated review. Advances in Agriculture and Biology, 3(1). Retrieved from http://aabinternational.com/index.php/aab/article/view/57